

I saw these movies within a couple of days of one another. And they both left me with a similar feeling, entertained, glad I saw it, but a little underwhelmed. They both were kind of what I expected. I didn’t learn really anything new about W. and I didn’t gain a new perspective on religion. And while W. did attempt to humanize quite possibly the worst president in our nation’s history, I often wondered where these “stories” came from… There wasn’t much beyond generalizations of “Daddy issues” and “stupidity.” …and Bill Mahr was funny, made some great points, …but man, if you are making a full feature movie, maybe have some better comebacks than …”Reeeallly???” ..or… “come on, really? Really?” I just wanted more from both of these movies…

However. After reading this article Titled “Jesus and Witches,” http://www.newsweek.com/id/166215/page/1 I couldn’t help but connect these two movies. Suddenly they both felt very important and necessary. It frustrates me that politicians not only feel a need to “be a person of faith” but HAVE to pander to the religious right so badly that literally a crazy lady like Palin gets the Republican VP nomination BECAUSE of her “strong religious background” – uh u mean her craziness? If Bush hasn’t taught this country enough about the disasters of ruling by Manifest Destiny, and the corruption of forming US policy with a a sense of entitlement from god, then I stand by my wife in saying “We are not coming back from Italy.” Whether its legislating a religious interpretation of marriage into general law, or relying on “jesus” as a serious advisor to policymaking for this country, Religion needs to back the Fck up out of politics. Waging a “war on evil” sounds like a bad movie script, let alone a legitimate US foreign policy. A few days ago Lex and I drove by some “Yes on Prop 8” activists (aka Christian evangelicals, crazies) and as lex was giving them the double bird I couldn’t help but wonder what politician is pulling the strings of these religious puppets. It is that tangled. As of late, religion has become far more concerned with political agendas than providing service to their communities. Something needs to change, quickly. Otherwise Im stuck wandering the Vatican walls, in my attempt to “protest to religion in this country.”

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