
MOVIE REVIEW - Lars and the Real Girl

Sometimes the movie experience out shines, or at least is more memorable, than the actual movie you see. When I think back to the Saturday I saw Lars and the Real Girl, I can really only remember two things. First, watching these two old ladies hike up the face of the Tower Theatre steps.

What stood out was after 5 minutess of trying to let their old ass eyes adjust to the darkness, one lady makes a move and picks an isle, however not a seat. She sits IN BETWEEN two rows, directly on the floor. Now me and the classy crew I rolled with, are just staring, watching her, never once considering helping a couple of senior citizens. The lady, after 2minutes of being parked on the floor, whispers, "I don't think this is a real seat." No shit! We completely lost it. By far the hardest I laughed inside a movie theatre in years.

So, being that laughter is typically a sign of funny, I guess that makes this movie a comedy? Although Lex and Pat were in tears a couple times so maybe it's a drama? Then again, all of that could also be attributed to the other thing that I remember from Saturday afternoon. The symphony of Sparks cans popping open one by one.


Final score, on a scale from 1-10: I give this a 7

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