John Silva was right (for once) about a movie. Dan in Real Life is great! Steve Carrel is excellent! Heartfelt and hilarious as always. The music is surprisingly great (Read: Mainly indie artists) which gives this family "dramedy" a current style. And most surprisingly, Dane Cook isn't that annoying! He is actually enjoyable for maybe like 12 secs. (Anytime you call someone a "pigface," you're going to have me for a bit. It always takes me back to "Pigface Sammy" from Days.) the movie isn't Oscar material, like the magnificent "Little Miss Sunshine," but it definitely hits some of the same laughs and emotions.
That being said, I really can't pass an opportunity to rip Dane "I'm the least funny comedian ever" Cook. Honestly, how did this guy EVER get a standup SPECIAL on HBO? Wtf? And seriously, telling someone they look like Dane Cook is NOT a compliment, which is exactly what one of lex's co-workers told me the other day. Dane Cook is one of the most annoying people in the history of ever, so telling me I remind you of him, really, really sucks. And so does Dane Cook.
The movie is good, though.
Final score, on a scale of 1-10: I give this an 8
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